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¡Comienza a ponerte en forma desde casa! – Ejercicios de HIIT (Alta intensidad) con Coach Tavo

En cualquier sitio. En pocos minutos. Sin utilizar más material que el propio peso corporal o, como mucho, un escalón, […]

In the sports arena, peak performance in sports has always been a much sought after state by players and coaches of all levels. Whether the athletes are school boys soccer players or Olympians striving for their Gold medals, peak performance in sports has always attracted athletes and coaches alike. In our modern age of sports, where sports science is at a stratospheric level and rising, what are the factors that when applied correctly can lead sports participants to peak performance in sports? Are there secrets to sporting excellence? Are these factors easily manipulated for the benefits of the athletes? This article discusses the factors that can lead athletes and coaches to peak performance in sports.

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